Sorghum flour production manual for compatible technology. Sorghum growth and development glasscock county agrilife. Sorghum is a glutenfree grain with a great deal of poten tial in the glutenfree food market. Pangan dari sorgum tersebut menjadi menu utama masyarakat sejak abad ke5 hingga sekarang.
Sorghum is a genus of species of grass, one which is raised for grain and many of which are used as fodder plants either cultivated or as part of pasture. Masyarakat india juga menggunakan sorgum sebagai pangan pokok. Struktur, komposisi nutrisi dan teknologi pengolahan sorgum. Photo by jonathan walther, usdanrcs, tucson plant materials center alternate names activity in the soil is similar to the activity of a pre alternate common names. Dengan substitusi tepung sorghum yaitu 27,5%, 30%, 32,5%, 35%. Kajian karakteristik fisikokimia tepung sorghum sorghum. The main importers of sorghum are japan, mexico, the former ussr cis and venezuela. Judul formulasi bahan baku mi basah dari tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor l. Among varieties, the grain may differ in amount, color, size, and chemi cal composition. Sorghum usually grows poorly on sandy soils, except where a heavy textured subsoil is present. Hasil dan pembahasan tepung sorghum sifat fisik tepung sorghum. Grain yield response and stability indices in sorghum sorghum bicolor l. Hasil selengkapnya disajikan pada tabel 3, sedangkan tampilan tepung sorghum disajikan pada gambar 7. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh level substitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung dangke dan tepung.
Moench dan tepung tempe the quality of biscuit with combination of sorghum flour sorghum. Tingkat kesukaan roti tawar yang tersubstitusi tepung sorghum termodifikasi. The mentioned counties are also the largest producing ones, with phillips ranking. Stalks from an early sorghum crop will need to be destroyed. Contoh resep wafel gurih file kumpulan file laporan. The advantage of sorghum as food is that it has rich in functional food components. Substitution of sorghum flour either fermented and unfermented performed at various. This sorghum fermented has physicochemical characteristic i. Importance of sorghum in africa j r n taylor department of food science, university of pretoria, pretoria 0002, south africa, email. Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian dan penyusunan tugas akhir ini, penulis. Moench fifth among cereals in terms of annual world production 58 million tonnes, 2017 grown on all.
Seventeen of the 25 species are native to australia, with the range of some extending to africa, asia, mesoamerica, and certain islands in the indian and pacific oceans. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs. Karakteristik fisikokimia tepung biji sorghum sorghum. Sebagai bahan pangan, sorgum berada pada urutan ke5 setelah. Pati dalam biji sorghum sekitar 83% terdapat dalam endosperm,4%. The endosperm is a storage organ that is comprised of aleurone layer, peripheral, corneous and floury areas. Grain yield response and stability indices in sorghum. Sorghum handbook agricultural marketing resource center. Selain sumber protein dan sumber energi, beberapa bahan makanan dapat digolongkan sebagai sumber mineral misalnya tepung tulang, kapur dan garam, serta sumber vitamin. Sorghum exhibits a low transpiration ratio kg water required to produce a kg of plant material e. It is essential that producers know the crop they are cultivating in order to develop the most effective production practices. We seek to enhance sweet sorghum performance on marginal lands, and to identify a strategy for improving its ethanol processing potential, two key components for developing this system for production in midwest region. Tepung sorgum merupakan salah satu tanaman yang memiliki potensi sebagai sumber bahan bakar nabati bbn. It may be necessary to change the water until it stays clear, and a spoonful of bleach will reduce the contamination by microorganisms.
Sorghum syrup may sometimes be referred to as sorghum molasses. Mar 15, 2018 how to grow and process home grown sorghum grain. Sorghum bran sorghum offal, sorghum milling waste, sorghum mill feed is a mixture of grain pericap bran and of variable amounts of grain fragments endosperm, germ. The aleurone contains proteins protein bodies, enzymes, ash phytin bodies and oil spherosomes. Inherent digital library pembuatan biskuit dari bahan. It is an efficient use of space as it grows close together, and it tastes good. Sorghum should be planted when the soil temperature at 09. Sorghum is the only food grade crop that is reported to contain starch in this anatomical section. Penentuan formulasi bubur instan makanan pendamping asi mpasi berbasis sorgum putih sorghum bicolor l. Amilografi, cake, cookies, tepung sorgum fermentasi. Dewasa ini, beberapa produk pangan fungsional berbasis tepung sorgum dihasilkan.
Kualitas biskuit dengan kombinasi tepung sorgum\ud sorghum. The sheath surrounds and strengthens the stalk culm. Sorghum is glutenfree and an interesting alternative to the typical homegrown grain choice of corn maize. C687 grain sorghum production handbook ksre bookstore. Agroinovasi 11 potensi dan teknologi penanganan sorgum. Nutritional and rheological properties of sorghum article pdf available in international journal of food properties 121. Karakteristik roti tawar dengan substitusi tepung sorgum sorghum.
Varietal choice the two preferred varieties in zimbabwe are. Sorgum wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Sorghum is a genus of flowering plants in the grass family poaceae. Sweet sorghum grown for syrup looks similar to corn. The trade in sorghum is small compared with the major grains such as wheat, maize, barley and rice. Sorghum also has important dietary values for content of fiber and antioxidants its and is recommended for diabetics and celiacs because it has no gluten and its carbohydrates digest slowly. The light impurities, glumes and insect damaged grains will float and can be separated from the top. Bab ii tinjauan pustaka 10 optimasi proses hidrolisis dan fermentasi tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor, l. Moench merupakan pangan penting bagi lebih dari 750 juta orang di daerah tropis beriklim kering di afrika, india, dan amerika latin fsd 2003, reddy et al.
It is usually a byproduct of the dry milling in sorghum flour manufacturing, but the manufacture of other sorghum based food products may also require a dehulling step. Tugas akhir dengan judul pengaruh substitusi tepung modifikasi sorgum sorghum bicolor dan terigu dengan penambahan bekatul beras oryzae sativa l. Pdf this study aims to investigate the characteristics of fermented. Sweet sorghums were bred for the sugar contained in their stems and for succulence for use as forages. Sorghum can better tolerate short periods of water logging compared with maize. A schellenberger, production and utilization of wheat in wheat chemistry and tech, 1971. Dalam usaha diversifikasi pangan, tepung sorgum dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan campuran pada tepung terigu yang dikenal dengan terigum mudjisihono dan damardjati, 1981. Moench sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bioetanol tanaman sorgum banyak terdapat di beberapa. Sorghum is a genus of species of grass, one which is raised for friends of pdf all our visitors are our friends. Moench is an indigenous crop to africa, and though commercial needs and uses may change over time, sorghum will remain a basic staple food for many rural communities. Pada produk yang dihasilkan dari substitusi tepung sorghum dan terigu dihasilkan warna olahan yang tidak sukai oleh konsumen suarni 2004. Insect control 3 section 7 sorghum fi fl february 2017 7. This study aimed to analyze the influence of rhizopus. Organoleptic test of the product cake and cookies sorghum were calculated using hedonic test.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan substitusi biji sorghum terhadap tepung terigu bisa mencapai 5075%, walaupun nilai protein pembentuk glutennya tidak dapat menyamai tepung terigu. Substitusi budidaya sorgum terigu pada pembuatan stik bawang untuk pembuatan makanan ringan stik bawang, imbangan tepung sorgum dan tepung terigu sebesar adapun periode kritis tanaman sorgum adalah pada masa perkecambahan, berbunga dan waktu pengisian biji. Sorghum has wide linesvarieties, multifunction, and zero waste because almost all parts of the crop can. Kajian perbandingan tepung beras merah oryza nivara. Sifat fisik tepung sorghum sifat fisik tepung sorghum yang dianalisis meliputi densitas kamba, derajat putih dan ph. Moench is a crop indigenous to africa, where it appears to have been domesticated in ethiopia about 5 000 years ago. The first factor was the ratio of sorghum flour to canna flour 1. Pdf nutritional and rheological properties of sorghum. The endosperm is a storage organ that is comprised of aleurone layer, peripheral, corneous and floury. Grain sorghum acreage expanded in most of the traditional grain sorghum producing counties in 2002. Grain sorghum production in the texas rolling plains. Bbn merupakan sumber energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar minyak bbm. Di afrika, biji sorgum dikonsumsi dalam bentuk olahan roti, bubur, minuman, berondong, dan kripik dicko et al.
Vanderlip sorghums importance as a feed grain has increased in the u. The high food productivity of brown rice and sorghum which is high in indonesia, reminds the importance to increase. Sorghum flour milling technology has not been sufficiently welldeveloped. Composition of sorghum plant and grain1 introduction as cultivation of sorghum became widespread, different varieties were selected for specialized uses. Amylograph profile analyzes the four samples of sorghum flour was conducted with viscograph brabender. The leaf collar marks the junction of the leaf blade and sheath and appears when the leaf is fully developed.
Formulasi snack bar tinggi serat berbasis tepung sorgum. Pengujian parameter biji sorghum dan pengaruh analisa. Repositori institusi universitas kristen satya wacana. Sorghum handbook white sorghum, the new food grain developing markets, enabling trade, improving lives. Molasses is a byproduct of the sugar cane industry and the making of sugar.
The latter is used mainly for molasses but more recently for biofuel production as well. Sorghum grain can be washed on a small scale using deposits and strainera. There is a considerable loss of micronutrients and phenolics in the flour. Pengaruh konsentrasi tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor l. To manage the sorghum crop for maximum production, the producer must understand how the plant grows and develops and what factors affect its growth, development, and nutrient. Saya pengusaha makanan budidaya sorgum menggunakan sorgum sebagai vudidaya baku utama. This research is aimed to obtain effect of conditioning to yield sorghum flour and sorghum varieties to. Formulasi snack bar tinggi serat berbasis tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor l, tepung maizena, dan tepung ampas tahu. It is now widely cultivated in dry areas of africa, asia, the americas, europe and australia between latitudes of. Sorghum growth and development thomas gerik, brent bean and richard vanderlip rounded leaf tip. Penggunaan sorgum dalam bentuk tepung ini bersifat lebih fleksibel.
Pengaruh substitusi tepung modifikasi sorgum shorgum. Problems in using sorghum flour as food material was the presence of tannin and phytic acid that can reduce nutritition quality of sorghum flour. The objective of this research was to study on the chemical and physicochemical properties of sorghum. In these trials, various varieties and seeding rates were evaluated. Moench is one of cerealia that high carbohydrate and protein sources. Root system the roots o f the sorghum plant can be divided into a primary and secondary root system. Tepung sorgum tepung sorgum dapat diperoleh dari penggilingan beras sorgum. Dihasilkan dari tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor,l moench secara fermentasi menggunakan ragi roti. Kualitas biskuit dengan kombinasi tepung sorgum sorghum bicolor l.
This can be done following a late june planting of sorghum, cotton, or other crop wit hout shredding stalks. The objective of this study was to identify the costs associated with the production of sweet sorghum and to determine the cost per gallon of ethanol produced by using sweet sorghum as the input. Tepung sorghum yang dihasilkan dianalisis sifat fisik, sifat fungsional dan sifat kimianya. Obyek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah adalah tepung sorghum. Various antioxidants, trace elements especially iron, dietary fiber, oligosaccharides. Sorghum syrup is produced from 100 percent juice from the sweet sorghum plant. Francis counties saw their grain sorghum acreage increase between 72 and 177 percent as compared to the 2001 season. Pdf sorghum is a glutenfree cereal and forms the staple diet of a. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan substitusi biji sorghum terhadap tepung terigu bisa mencapai 5075%, walaupun nilai protein pembentuk glutennya tidak dapat menyamai tepung. Ethanol is currently processed from sweet sorghum in texas, oklahoma, and iowa, as well as india and other parts of the world. The leaf collar marks the junction of the leaf blade and sheath and appears when the leaf is fully.
The name holcus saccharatus linnaeus sorghum saccharatum linnaeus moench has been identified as this species, but its appli. S suwelo, prospek pengembangan sorghum dalam penganekaragaman bahan pangan di indonesia. Studi persiapan tepung sorgum dan aplikasinya pada pembuatan beras analog. Dibawah bimbingan rizal syarief dan fransiska rungkat zakaria ringkasan. Understanding how the sorghum plant grows and develops will. Both the availability and the nutritious quality offer important benefits for the rural communities. Sorghum roller milling technology needs to be further developed. Moench francis abayomi showemimo department of plant science, institute for agricultural research ahmadu bello university, p. Abstrak sorghum, sorghum bicolor l moench, adalah sereal paling penting kelima setelah beras, jagung, barley dan gandum. Moench grain has protein content varying from 6% to 18%, with an average of 11% lasztity 1996. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader. Certainly, broadleaf weed control may be needed at earlier or later times.
Potensi sorgum sebagai bahan pangan fungsional puslitbang. Persentasi ekotek analisa ekonomi 01 winter pabrik template. It is grown for home consumption unless there is a bumper crop, or if cash is needed. Flowering sorghum seed head and vegetation in tucson, arizona. View persentasi ekotek analisa ekonomi from ekotek 3312 at tenth of november institute of technology. Vanderlip sorghum s importance as a feed grain has increased in the u. Tanzania produces over 500, 000 t of sorghum and 200, 000 t of pearl millet1 per. Hasil selengkapnya disajikan pada tabel 3, sedangkan tampilan tepung sorghum. Pengujian parameter biji sorghum dan pengaruh analisa total. In the manufacture of cookies and cake, wheat flour can be substituted with fermented.
In the manufacture of cookies and cake, wheat flour can be substituted with fermented sorghum flour on percentage 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. Each leaf sheath originates at its own node on the plant stalk. Grain sorghum is planted under dryland and irrigated conditions. The chemical and physicochemical properties of sorghum. Sorghum is more tolerant of alkaline salts than other grain crops and can therefore be successfully cultivated on soils with a ph kcl between 5. Pdf studi persiapan tepung sorgum dan aplikasinya pada. Hybrid forage sorghum hybrid forage sorghums commonly referred to as forage sorghum.
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